I love Pirin River Club
In Pirin River Ski & Spa we value our loyal clients. That is why we have introduced our I
PIRIN RIVER CLUB, so that the guests who visit us again (and again and again) can benefit from additional discounts and bonuses. A few years after the I
PIRIN RIVER CLUB was born, it has more than 3600 members, most of whom visit us every year for their annual skiing vacation.
We are very proud that we came to the point where the majority of our guests have also become close to our hearts. It was our original intention for the I
PIRIN RIVER CLUB to become exactly what it says, but even I (who am an incurable optimist), have never believed it was going to happen so soon. And what is even better, now we all at Pirin River Ski and Spa have our own PIRIN RIVER LOVES YOU club, which gives a huge plus and motivation to our work.
After six years, we have decided to re-organize the loyalty system, mainly for two reasons – first, the gap between our “old” and “new” clients was getting too wide and started to interfere with the parity principle. Second, during the years, we ourselves have often not been sticking to the rules and to say it as it is – have been giving higher discounts to the guests we really liked, which on the other hand was not fair to the others. So, we have tidied up the things a bit and came up with a new system which is the combination of the old rules taking into consideration the length and the frequency of your stay(s) and the new “subjective” factors such as the recommendations you made to your friends.
As a result of this changes, you might find out that your discount was a bit decreased, but please do not worry. First, it means that we have really liked you and gave you bigger discount that you were entitled to. Second (because we like you), after you make your reservation, you will be well compensated for the difference with a gift you can choose yourself. And from now on we will be channeling our positive feelings with additional bonuses such as free gifts, free upgrades, free late check-outs, early check-ins and free caipirinhas (not necessarily in this order of importance), instead of giving additional discounts and messing up the system.
We realize that the large number of our loyal clients is also a result of our loyal guests recommending us to their friends. So if you recommended our hotel to your friends and they made a reservation based on this recommendation, you will receive a “thank-you” gift from us, as part of our “Your friends are our friends” promotion. At the same time, your friends will get a loyalty card with a discount. Please make sure that your friends use as a reference your name, so that they can apply for the discount.
As part of the tidying up, we have also put restrictions as to the multiple uses of each loyalty card, as in some cases things were getting out of hand. So – and this is important - now your loyalty card can be used only by you, and only once. If you give your loyalty to someone else who will use it to make a reservation with your discount, then you will not be able to use your loyalty discount for the same season. Of course, for those of you who visit us more than once in one season, multiple use will be allowed after submitting a request.
Sadly, but understandably, there is also a very small category of guests, who in spite of visiting us one or more times and wanting to come back, with their behavior and/or attitude led us to believe that we do not share their enthusiasm in this matter. So unlike most of the hotels, we are honest about having a blacklist of people whom we are not going to accept in our hotel again. Since we are liberal and highly tolerant people, it is not easy to get on this list, but obviously some people gave it their best (or it just comes naturally to them).
If you stayed with us before but do not have a loyalty card, you can apply for it when you click here.
We also know (even though we are still working hard on accepting the fact) that as much as you love Pirin River Ski & Spa, life is full of other important things, like family, friends and work, so in case you are not keeping your I
PIRIN RIVER CLUB card close to your heart all the time and you do not know your loyalty card number, please just click here and we will send you your loyalty card number.
For the sake of better organization of the loyalty system, all the loyalty cards that have not been used during the past 3 years, have been deactivated. If this is your case and you want to reactive your card, please click here.
If you need any assistance, please contact me at katarina@golevandgolev.com.
See you soon!
P.S. Those of you, who know me well, might suspect that there was a non-censured version of this article including my “nice list”… you are right…